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Frankfurt Book Fair 2016: PI Day Packages

Publishing Ireland are once again offering publishers shorter, day packages for as little as €300. FBF is the largest international book fair in the world and the benefits of attending are huge and can really add to your business. Some of our members may not be in a position to attend the full duration of the fair as both travel and time commitments can be beyond the reach for many and PI can help. Publishers may  wish to either attend for 1 day or simply wish to have their catalogues exhibited, which will also be visible at the Irish party. Publishers can avail of a fixed meeting space at the Irish table, message taking, bag-drop service and exhibiting space for catalogues. We will also have a catalogue-only option to showcase publishers who are unable to attend in person this year.

For more information or to book your slot, email us at or give us a call at +353 (01) 6394868


Day Package Options: Option 1 Day Package includes:

Interested in attending for just one day? How about organising your meeting/s at our table for up to 4 hours?

  • Meeting table for up to 4 hours (consecutive or non-consecutive)
  • Message-taking service
  • Bag-drop service
  • Shipping and exhibitor space for catalogues (max. 100)
  • Business cards held at the table for you.
  • Exhibitor badge (includes free public transport to and from the fair)
  • Invitation to the end of fair Irish party


Cost: €300 (PI members) €350 (non-members).

Book now by contacting


Option 2 Hourly Meeting Slots Includes:

Only going to be at FBF for a couple of hours? How about booking one of our shorter slots?

  • Meeting table for 1- hour slot
  • Message-taking service
  • Shipping and exhibitor space for catalogues (max. 100)
  • Business cards held at the table for you
  • Exhibitor badge (includes free public transport to and from the fair)
  • Invitation to the end of fair Irish party


Cost €100 (PI members) €150 (non-members)

Book now by contacting    


Option 3 Exhibiting Catalogues Includes

  • Shipping and display of catalogues (max. 100)
  • Message-taking service
  • Business cards held at the table for you.
  • Invitation to the end of fair Irish party


Cost €75 (PI members) €100 (non members)

Book now by contacting



Option 4 Catalogue-Only Includes:

Not able to go in person? Why not send your catalogues and business cards for us to display for you?

  • Shipping and display of catalogues (max.100)
  • Business cards held at the table for you


Cost €50 (PI members) €75 (non-members)

Book now by contacting



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