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Little Island Donates to Ukraine Crisis

Little Island have announced they will donate all profits in their forthcoming children’s novel Run for Your Life by Jane Mitchell to Save the Children’s Ukraine Crisis Appeal. The novel, which is endorsed by Amnesty International, is about a girl and her mother’s experience living in Direct Provision in Ireland. 

“When we commissioned Jane Mitchell to write a novel about young asylum seekers in Ireland, we knew it would be an important book. We did not know just how relevant Run for Your Life would become. More than a million people have fled Ukraine since the start of the month. The refugees are mostly women and children, just like Jane’s protagonists, a mother and daughter who flee violence. Ireland is expecting to receive as many as 100,000 refugees from Ukraine.

We have been deeply moved by the sight of children fleeing the war, and the knowledge that many remain in Ukraine, some forced to shelter for days in subway stations in Kyiv. As an organisation dedicated to young people, we wish to do something to help. So we are announcing that all Little Island profits from Jane’s book will be donated to the Save the Children Ukraine Crisis Relief Fund.

Run for Your Life is endorsed by Amnesty International. In connection with the publication, Jane will leading writing workshops for young people in Direct Provision in collaboration with Fighting Words later this year.”

Run for Your Life will be published in April and pre-orders are open now HERE 

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