Royal Irish Academy March Releases
Excavations at Knowth Volume 7: The Megalithic Art of the Passage Tombs at Knowth, Co. Meath
by George Eogan and Elizabeth Shee Twohig (archaeological editor)
March 2022 / 9781911479420 / HB, illustrated / 902pp / €70
The Knowth carvings constitute c. 46{1242e6fa0da84f367e0f1ee6d30a8040af2734be4204b5a1a00eb52a7c2b34a2} of all such art in Ireland, and this volume sets the Knowth art in the context of the other Irish carvings, those in western and northern Britain, and also the somewhat earlier art found on megalithic tombs in Atlantic Europe.
The Treaty, 1921: Records from the Archives
Edited by John Gibney and Zoë Reid
March 2022 / 9781911479611 / PB, illustrated / 184pp / €25
This lavishly illustrated book explores the negotiation and signing of the Treaty by the Irish delegation that travelled to London in October 1921. It does so through the documentary record that they left behind, much of it retained by the National Archives in Dublin and other archives in Ireland.