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The Very Dangerous Sisters of Indigo McCloud by John Hearne

Little Island Books are excited to share The Very Dangerous Sisters of Indigo McCloud by John Hearne.

Indigo McCloud’s sister Peaches is every adult’s favourite child: pretty, golden-haired, polite and charming. But the children of Blunt know better: Peaches and her sisters are bullies who will stop at nothing to get their way.

This is the story of Indigo’s battle to stop his sisters. Leaping across the rooftops of Blunt, he tries to keep one step ahead of their wicked schemes – but he has to tangle with 437 hungry geese, an avalanche of toilets, curry farts, bungling policemen, vicious eels, a pig in a witch’s hat, a three-legged spider with a toilet brush and a dangerous villain in odd socks…

Available on or from your local bookshop!

About John Hearne

John Hearne worked as an economist before becoming a professional writer. He has ghostwritten a number of bestselling books but he can’t tell you what they are. He was shortlisted for the Hennessy New Irish Writing Awards. He lives in Galway, in the West of Ireland, with Marie and their four children. The Very Dangerous Sisters of Indigo McCloud is John’s first book written under his own name.

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