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Trade Day 2019: Looking Inwards, Looking Outwards

Friday, 15th November, Smock Alley Theatre

10 a.m. – 4 p.m. (Registration 9:30 a.m.)


The 7th annual Publishing Ireland Trade Day will be a day of two halves, with a wide and varied list of speakers from across the industry.

In the morning, Philip Stone from Nielsen BookScan will lead the way with an all-important look at trends within the Irish market. This will be followed by an on-the-frontline account of life as a bookseller from Bob Johnston, as the Gutter Bookshop celebrates its ten-year anniversary.

The morning sessions will conclude with a panel discussion from three Irish publishers – Gill Books, Eastwood Books and No Alibis Press – as they outline the opportunities and challenges involved in identifying new areas within the Irish market.

The afternoon will look beyond these shores and we will once again welcome Philip Stone to the stage to take us through the global trends which have emerged of late and how they conform or differ from the Irish market.

Our keynote speaker for the day is Tony Potter of iSeek, a company who create and sell innovative and entertaining books to coedition and retail clients around the world. With over thirty years’ experience as a writer, designer, packager and publisher, there will be something for everyone here in a talk that is not to be missed.

This year’s Trade Day will conclude with a panel of three experts whose businesses are constantly looking to take the book in new directions. Simone Drinkwater is the Vice President of Casemate, a market leading distributor in the publishing industry, Ben Drury will tell us how the Yoto audio player is opening up a world of audio possibilities for curious kids and we welcome Sheila Crowley back to where her publishing career began, as she tells us about her role with the world renowned literary agency, Curtis Brown.

Publishing Ireland would like to encourage as broad a range of staff as possible to attend to hear the speakers, meet your colleagues and share experiences in the world of book publishing.

Download the programme here: DBF Trade Day 2019 programme.

Tickets are available on Eventbrite at discounted rates for members and students.

Event sponsors:

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